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George Rochberg Paganini's Caprice Variation

Rochberg blends Modernist and Classical elements in his Caprice Variations. There hints of musical humor as Rochberg echoed that styles of great musicians such as Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, and Mahler. Rochberg borrowed music from the past and successfully integrated it into his Caprice Variations. Rochberg is one of several composers of the twentieth century to embrace a synthesis of earlier styles and techniques, while still creating a distinctive and personal musical voice. Rochberg quoted earlier composers in eleven out of his fifty Caprice Variations. He gathered violin techniques between nineteenth and twentieth century.

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This piece gathered a lot of various styles of music from the Baroque style to the Twentieth-Century style. In my perspective, I would like to tell the story about ages through this piece. Nowadays people in a different generation have been living in this world together as a society, but a lot of conflicts have happened from unacceptance and misunderstanding. So I would like to tell the story of different generations gathering in the same place at the same time.

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